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eyelook:gradient pink

When i tried to change the labels of my eyelook posts i found out that i have a lot of blues...so i decided to even out the numbers by making a couple of eyelook posts starting with this pink look.
I think everybody has a soft spot for pinks,right?

I did a gradient blue already so i think it's time to do a gradient pink. I'll be using 4 colors as always. Im sorry for the blurry pics, my dog keeps on putting his paws on my legs when i was taking a pic & im ticklish so i was moving a lot. Just bear me with me.

For those who are wondering, i don't usually use the real colors when i do gradient looks. I start with a white shadow on the inner corner & a darker color outside. I won't also put a pic of the products that i used because what i want you to know is the technique so that you can do it yourself not copy what i did. But if you wanted to achieve the exact look that i did, just tell me & i'll provide the pic & swatch of what i use.

In this case i used a dark red. I think it's better to use the family color instead of the real color. In doing so, you are able to know if you are able to blend it well or not. Im leaving this simple& open to you,ladies. Feel free to change it by lining it thicker or winging it out. This is just how i do the eyeshadow. Im by no means a pro.

Let's start the tut:
  • Apply 4 colors on the lid starting with a white shadow on the inner corner & dark red shadow on the outer color.You can change numbers 2 & 3, as long as they are in the family of pinks. Again, the lighter color should be near the white & the darker ought to be near the red.
  • Blend 3 & 4 & also 1 & 2 together. It's your choice if you want to have a hint a pink on the inner corner or not. If you want to then feel free to blend everything, if not just leave it be.
  • Continue blending 1 & 2 & bring the color to the middle & start blending the 2 colors together to have a nice light pink on the middle.
  • This is how its how it should look like. Now from this point, you can darken it more by deepening the color if you have a nice crease, but since i have a small lid space i'll just keep it like this. I look freaky whenever i try to darken my outer crease.
  • Don't forget to bring the color on your lower lash line. Then highlight it & also fix your brows.
As for lining the eyes, i did not wing it out because it would elongate my eyes. I wanted to have a rounder look so i just lined the top lash & curl my lashes.

I don't have a nice white pencil so i settled for a black pencil, but then if you want a rounder eye it's preferable to tight line using white.

You can have a softer pink by just using red instead of a dark red on the outer corner. Whereas if you use a dark one it will create a magenta color like how i did mine. Actually i insist that you tweak this & personalize it so it will have your own signature.

Have fun doing your very own gradient pink. Holla at me when you tried this gradient pink,k?
Hope you all have a lovely day!

Jaa ne~!

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