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How To Have The Perfect Christmas Movie Night In… With Yourself

I cannot believe Christmas is only 6 days away. I feel like it’s just snuck up on me and suddenly its here. I have not bought half my Christmas presents yet (standard) and still haven’t had a mince pie. The travesty.
I’m starting to feel like everything is winding down, which is a great relief. I went in to work today to find the office half empty, so I think the mass exodus out of London has began. Which reminds me, I really must book my train ticket…

I firmly believe Christmas a great time to spend with your loved ones. Whether that is family or friends, it should be time when you get together and have laugh. Spend quality time with them and tell them you love them. However with so much emphasis placed on that, I think we sometimes forget to spend some time with yourselves. Now that things are winding down, I actually want to spend some time away from people before the big day, and just enjoy my own company. And I truly believe that is a must do- learning to be able to spend quality time on your own.

So when E.ON asked would I create the perfect movie night in, I thought I'd do it with a twist. So put your feet up, grab a hot mug of hot chocolate and let me sprinkle a bit of Christmas movie night inspiration.

You can eat those movie snacks that no one else likes

I love Revels and I love the coffee ones! No one ever wants to buy Revels when I go home for Christmas as there are too many uneaten ones. Well you know what? Tough cookies, because being alone means I can buy those. I also love hot chocolate, but not just any old hot chocolate, my secret recipe hot chocolate. OK, I probably found it online somewhere donkey’s years ago, but basically you break up milk and white chocolate, add to a pan, add milk and double cream and a pinch of cinnamon and melt till it becomes thick. My boyfriend hates it- well the more for me then eh.

Build your own little winter wonderland

It’s the one time of year I am into fairy lights, and suddenly they go everywhere. I sort of like to create my own little winter wonderland. Lights up, blankets out, and of course the fire is lit. I haven’t been allowed to chop the wood yet though, as I’m not to be trusted with an axe apparently. I may have also built a cushion and blanket fort, but I didn’t get a photo as I do not need that evidence making its way onto Facebook.

No one will judge you for watching all three Santa Clause movies.

OK so the third one was beyond terrible, but if that is your thing, go for it. Apparently It’s a Wonderful Life is the most watched Christmas film by Brits each year. I’ve actually never seen it, although I’d never seen Elf up until last weekend when I had my night in by myself! I know, I know, what had I been doing all these Christmases before? I looked it up and apparently Elf is the 7th most watched Christmas film, just in front of Frozen… well then, I’ll leave that fact there for you.

Choose your seating carefully

Just kidding, you have the pick of the room! No more fighting with your Aunty for the comfy armchair (let’s be honest, there is always one better than the rest) and no more being made to sit on the floor because the grown ups deserve a seat. I’d maybe steal a few cushions from various chairs to make sure you are at your peak comfort levels.

Put the phone away

When we are alone, it can be really tempting to pick up our mobile phones and immediately start checking Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… but having some quality time by yourself can only be achieved if you disconnect from the outside world for a little while. Solitude allows you to reboot your brain and unwind. Constantly being connected doesn't give your mind the chance to refuel itself. Having some alone time doesn’t mean you have to sit there in silence and meditate- doing something you love, but away from others, is a great opportunity to reenergise and face Christmas day with a sense of love, rather than dread. As let’s be honest, it’s going to be hectic and full of people, so you might as well feel your best.

So whatever you are doing this Christmas, just make sure you also find time for yourself. Christmas can get incredibly stressful , so one evening ignore FOMO and switch off your phone and have some quality time alone watching those good old classic Christmas movies.

This post contains gifted items by E.ON. E.ON is now a proud sponsor of Sky Cinema Premiere and Sky Cinema Family.

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