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Review: GEO Fresh Brown

Hello Princesses!
Today I'm going to be talking about the GEO Fresh Brown contact lenses! I bought these a little while ago from Pinky Paradise, but I don't wear coloured contacts enough to justify opening three pairs at once, so these ones were the last I opened!
Diameter: 14.2mm
WaterContent: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal
"Fresh" look is exactly what you are getting when you wearing Geo Fresh Brown! These lenses give of a fresh hue of honey and sparkle. At 14.2 mm in diameter, it's design gives a great enlargement effect. It contains depth while providing ample coverage to the iris. Perfect for subtle gyaru and ulzzang looks.  
I really enjoy the colour and pattern of these lenses! I think the pixelated limbal ring is a great idea because it breaks up the line of the limbal ring making it look much more natural, but the pixels on this lens are so large that it looks like a bad MS Paint job when you're viewing them close up, rather than a natural lens look.
Colour and Design
The colour and Design of these lenses is very very natural! The brown is a little lighter than my natural eye colour which makes them look quite sparkly and cute, and the design of the lens means that it would probably work quite well for most eye colours. I wish that the center of the lens wasn't darker, because I think it would fade  more naturally into the iris, but it's such a sheer colour that it doesn't really matter that much.

Enlargement and Comfort
The enlargement is the perfect natural size for me, and the lenses are quite comfortable for contacts. My eyes are quite dry and sensitive (which sucks) so contacts are never really fully comfortable for me (even my clear prescription lenses) but I quite liked these!
What I Love
- Quite comfortable
- Very natural colour for brown eyes
- Lovely natural enlargement

What I Don't Love
- The pixelated limbal ring looks a bit like MS Paint
- The clear outer ring is quite obvious close up
 Final Thoughts
I really like these lenses! They're my current favourites because I can wear them out without people questioning if my eyeballs are real or not. They're quite comfortable and I can wear them for long periods without my eyes feeling dry or heavy/tired. I would definitely recommend this pair of lenses for a lovely natural look!

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