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 I have more work face photos! Thankfully my skin and hair are almost back to normal so I am starting to look like myself again! We are all working the trends at the moment and thankfully, one of the trends involves red lipstick - so I'm happy!
 So product list :
Face : MAC studio fix, Rimmel concealer, MAC mineralise powder and Benefit blusher
eyes : Benefit highlighter 'Moonbeam' and MAC mascara 'studio fix boldblack lash'
Lips : MAC 'Lady Danger'
Eyebrows - MAC 'Lingering'
 I dressed up the eyes a bit more later on in the day but for the most part - this was the bones of the look! Really really really dramatic lips!
I have to add that while I still love my Ruby Woo - I am getting drawn to Lady Danger at the moment. I love how bright and vibrant it is but also it doesn't dry out the lips as well. I also like that it has a neon tinge to it AND its really close to Morange without being too....well...orange really....whh

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