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Smoosh Valentine's!

Good Morning!  This is my first ever stamper smoosh mani; it was pretty easy to do and I've done a couple since as it makes for an interesting base for nail art!  Here's what I came up with!

After applying Girly Bits Border Patrol, did the smoosh mani using CND Taffy Pink, Sally Hansen CSM Red My Lips, Seche Love Affair, Orly Polo Princess and FunkyFingers Gesso.  

Removed the Border Patrol.

Applied coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using UberChic Love & Marriage-02 (thumb), UberChic Love & Marriage-03 (index, ring and pinky) and UberChic UC 7-03 (middle) using Funky Fingers Dark Knight.

UberChic Love & Marriage-02

UberChic UC 7-03

Finished with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend; thanks for looking!

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